Thursday, May 30, 2013

Art 1 Final Portfolio

1). My favorite project was the the landscape painting because the colorful colors i was able to create. It was amazing to me that I could make something so descriptive and beautiful. Hopefully my painting was the top five in the class if it was then I feel like I accomplish my goal as an art one student.

2). I dislike this project but I grew and learn what my mistakes was when I did the stencil project because you had to do perfect and stay focus to have a real good one and I seen that from looking at other people project.

3). I use all the skills I use on the landscape one Is because I got to the mix the colors up and got to play with It and use a lot of stuff I learn from the past and It worked out pretty well as you can see

4). The stencil project was a waste of time because they look ugly and useless I felt like I didn't learn anything from this it's hard to tell what it even is. I believe we could have done something better and more interesting. 

5). I talked about it three time already it's my favorite and i thought i would not be able to do it in all my years but the landscape picture is my best of all time and it inspire me to be a artist.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Printmaking Photos

The process I went through to create this print was difficult because the clay wasn't working with me when I try to cut it. This project was a brilliant idea and extremely put together very well. I really didn't have any success in it. It’s very ugly and non creative

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Frog Tongue

This was very interesting one of the coolest things i done with a picture look forward to do it again

Angry Pancake

This was something very interesting and i like the way you can make a pancake look like a scary monster. Don't get no better than that.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Stencil Project

The Stencil Project was something different for me well for everybody really. But i feel like i could have done a whole lot better because it doesn't look how its suppose to I lost a lot of my stuff because i was taking my time on cuttting the thing out but it's okay at least i tried i would love to do it again.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

iPad Cone

I love this picture because it was smoother for me to do. But this is a picture of a cone in the Desert at night.

Anthony's Shoe

I know it's not the best shoe but it is very hard to do all the shapes from a shoe. But i'm still learning and I hope my art look better over time because me personally do not like this at all.

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Cartoon Art

It's really not a lot of details in my picture right here. But you can see the main bone structure from the ribs,spine,legs and tail bone. As you can see I struggle with the skull it was kind of hard for me to draw it because im not a good artist but this is just the start for me. But if I had to grade this it would not be a good grade it probably would be a D.